Major Issues in Construction Industry
All public buildings over 1,000㎡ must comply with Zero-energy building regulations after 2020
All buildings must comply with ‘Zero-energy building’ regulations after 2020 and the regulations will take the effects until 2030 in phases. In fact, many countries have carried forward Zero-energy building regulations for energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction. Japan plans to apply Zero-energy obligation to all housings until 2030 while the U.S. does to new housings built after 2020. EU schedules to mandate the Zero-energy obligation to all new buildings built after 2020.

The market size of the zero-energy building field
The market size of the zero-energy building field is expected to increase from 420 trillion won in 2014 to 1,560 trillion won in 2024 on the strength of energy security enhancement, countermeasures for climate change, and obligation of zero-energy building. In the case of the domestic market, the market size is expected to increase from 8.6 trillion won in 2014 to 20trillion won in 2024 as the government carries forward zero-energy building policies and support for the related industries.
Global Market Size for Zero-energy Building

· Energy security enhancement
· Countermeasure for climate change
· Zero-energy building policy after 2020
· Countermeasure for climate change
· Zero-energy building policy after 2020
Source : Zero Energy Buildings Navigant Research
Domestic Market Size for Zero-energy Building

· Countermeasure for new climate system
· New policies for energy industries
· Obligation of zero-energy building
· Introduction of zero-energy building certificate system, etc
· New policies for energy industries
· Obligation of zero-energy building
· Introduction of zero-energy building certificate system, etc
Source : Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
KOREA BUILD Special Pavilion for Future Architecture
Zero-Energy Building Pavilion 2020
KOBEA BUILD 2020 illustrates diverse innovative technologies and products that cover domestic/international insulating, high airtight, high functioning materials as well as new renewable energy technologies including sunlight and geothermal generation for the realization of ‘Zero-Energy Building’. For reviewing the current status of the industries, information sharing, and promotion for new markets, we prepare for the network among diverse entities including enterprises, experts, related organizations, associations, managers, and building owners. Furthermore, the exhibition introduces different additional events including operation of technology experience pavilion to induce public participation and introduce zeroenergy construction policies as well as conferences for information sharing and buyer meetings for business expansion.

Target Buyer

Architectural design
